Sinan Gentle Lace V-Neck Design Slim Fit Knitted and Open Top
SKU: SN6912
司南温柔蕾丝拼接V领设计感修身显瘦针织开上衣 (SN6912)
40%腈纶32%锦纶28%涤纶面料 (粉色,浅灰,黑色和白色)
胸围76-96cm, 袖长61cm, 衣长50cm, 肩宽32cm
Sinan Gentle Lace V-Neck Design Slim Fit Knitted and Open Top (SN6912)
40% Acrylic 32% Nylon 28% Polyester Fabric (Pink, Light Gray, Black and White)
One Size
Chest 76-96cm, Sleeve Length 61cm, Length 50cm, Shoulder Width 32cm
All measurements in cm. Please 1-3 cm differences in the measurements given due to different stretchable of the material and the way measurement is taken.